Order 1776 Mulch!
The annual Troop 1776 mulch sale starts Friday, January 3rd!
Our mulch comes from JEMASCO in Paris Texas. We sell four kinds of mulch: Hardwood, red dyed hardwood, black dyed hardwood, and cedar. We sell full pallets of mulch (60 bags) at a 10% discount.
Boy Scouts of America Troop 1776 is comprised of scouts from the cities of Plano, Richardson, Murphy, Wylie, Garland, Allen, Lucas, and Dallas. A high adventure and jamboree troop with over 100 Eagle scouts since 1993, raising funds is critical to achieving the ongoing mission of the Troop! Thank you for supporting Scouting and Troop 1776!
Sea Base St Thomas 2026
February Campout
Summer Camp 2025
We are looking at Sending the Troop out to Camp Alexander in the Pikes Peak Council in Colorado this year. This camp has come with high regards from scouters and leaders as being an amazing Scout Camp. If you have ever camped in Texas summers then you can understand the plight of our scouts to head out of state for camp. Being above 8k feet brings cooler weather and picturesque camping opportunity
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Hrishikesh Harish, his Eagle Project was constructing a screening privacy fence for the Dallas Tennis Education Academy (DTEA).
Winter Camp
Troop 1776 has a proud tradition of offering high quality merit badge classes and counseling at its annual Winter Camp. This year we will offer 12 merit badges. We will do four merit badge classes with four options during each session on Saturday and Sunday. Scouts sleep in cabins and adults do the cooking. Scouts may bring video games/tvs for this campout as well as cards/boardgames for their free time.
Ice cream continues for movie night this year!
December Shooting Sports Campout
Rifle and Shotgun Shooting at Trevor Reese Jones
We have a great campout planned with a full day of shooting both shotguns and rifles as well as our annual cooking competition. See the link below for full details.
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Conner Kelly, his Eagle Project was constructing two wood benches for Hope’s Door New Beginning Center.
November Campout Palo Duro Canyon State Park
We are going back to the stunning Palo Duro Canyon State Park!
“Palo Duro Canyon is the second largest canyon system in the United States. The canyon is about 120 miles long and 20 miles wide, and is up to 800 feet deep. It extends from Canyon to Silverton. You can see the beautiful colors of the four geologic layers as you descend 500 feet to the floor of the canyon. The canyon began forming a million years ago. But the walls of the canyon tell a much older geologic story – about 250 million years old!”
Sign up now! Click on the Title below.
October Campout 11th-14th Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Peak Hike
We are headed back to Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Peak they are both amazing natural attractions that offer breathtaking experiences for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Carlsbad Caverns, located in New Mexico, is renowned for its stunning underground limestone formations, vast cave systems, and bat flights. Meanwhile, the Guadalupe Peak hike, situated in Texas, offers a challenging yet rewarding trek to the highest point in Texas, providing hikers with panoramic views of the surrounding desert and mountains. This will be an amazing trip that you will talk about for a long time.
— Oct 2th 6:30 to 8:30 Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church Tenant Hall
September Campout
Bouldering and Fishing at Kerr Scout Ranch Slippery Falls
We have a great campout planned with lots of bouldering, fishing and even a cooking competition. This is a campground we haven’t been to yet so come explore the property with your friends. See the link below for full details.
Philmont 2025
Sign up now to reserve your spot!
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Ali Ghadiali constructed a Pin Board for the Wylie Pirate Tennis Team .
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Houston Bartell constructed Book and Game storage shelves for Hope’s Door New Beginning .
Tubing and Fishing
We have a great weekend of fishing and tubing planned. Whether you want to just tube a couple hours or if you want to tube 4 hrs. there is plenty to do. We will be hitting some of the best rapids on the Guadeloupe River. We have gone down the river in tubes before but we have never been through this section! If you want a preview to whitewater rafting in a downscaled venue on a tube.
— Oct 2th 6:30 to 8:30 Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church Tenant Hall
Summer Camp Survey
Summer Camp is a very important part of your Scouts journey. This is where they can learn independence, and leadership, and is just as important for the new Scouts as it is for older Scouts. This is where they can knock out rank advancements, merit badges as well as learn new skills like rock climbing, canoeing, swimming, horseback riding, shooting sports, and fishing, as well as well as learning decision making and responsibility. This is also the place where they will meet new friends and solidify friendships that they already have in the Troop. I have personally seen more changes come from Scouts that went to Summer Camp than anything else they do all year.
We are polling to see the interest in a regular Summer Camp this year and where everyone would like to go. Even if you do not want to send your scout to Summer Camp please fill out the survey. We are also looking for parents that would be willing to help out with the Summer Camp and the planning.
Please fill out the Survey Monkey by following the link below.
The rules of the Egg Drop are as follows:
• The egg must be raw (this will be verified after the drop).
• Packaging can be no bigger than 6” x 6” x 6”.
• No parachutes, or other descent slowing devices, are allowed.
• Nothing can be adhered to the egg shell (wrapped around, yes, but not physically attached with tape or glue).
• No peanut butter is allowed, as some Scouts have a severe an allergy to it.
• The egg should be placed in the packaging ON THE DAY of the drop, unless the entire package is placed in the refrigerator (we do not want spoiled eggs potentially breaking).
• Scout must listen to the Adult Leadership instructions, and not run out to retrieve their package until instructed to do so.
• Following the drop, Adult Leadership will open the package (carefully) for inspection.
• All eggs and their container must be thrown away at the end of the station rotation, due to potential contamination of the package by a broken egg. Please do send the egg in a package that you are not willing to part with.
March 2024 Canoeing and Northern Tier Shakedown Campout
This weekend will be a lot of fun for everyone! We will be spending the day canoeing on Lake Texoma and honing our paddling skills. For those going to Northern Tier this weekend we will be practicing our paddling techniques and our portaging. This is the perfect opportunity to test your canoeing skills as well as learn some things in the process. We will have a short class on the parts of the canoes as well as go over the strokes needed.
February Caprock Canyon Campout
We are traveling North West to Caprock Canyon. There is a large herd of free-range buffalo and more hiking than we can do in a weekend. We haven’t been here in a couple of years and it will not disappoint no matter what we do! There is a bat cave, natural arch, slot canyons and some amazing views. We will camp the entire weekend at Caprock Canyon. The address for the camp is 850 Caprock Canyon Park Road, Quitaque, TX 79255 We will be staying at the LK009, LK008, LK007, and LK006 Campsites.
Order troop 1776 mulch here!
Winter Camp Campout
Troop 1776 has a proud tradition of offering high quality merit badge classes and counseling at its annual Winter Camp. This year we will offer 20 merit badges. We will do four merit badge classes with four options during each session on Saturday and Sunday. Scouts sleep in cabins and adults do the cooking. Scouts may bring video games/tvs for this campout as well as cards/boardgames for their free time.
Ice cream continues for movie night this year!
Adopt a Highway
This is a service opportunity to pick up trash along Los Rios Blvd between E Park Blvd and Parker Rd.
We will meet at the north end of the PESH parking lot at 9:00am on November 18, 2023. It usually takes about an hour, depending on the number of participants.
Donuts are provided! So are trash bags, grabbers, and high visibility vests.CONGRATULATIONS TO ANOTHER EAGLE SCOUT!
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Kieran Sullivan. Kieran restored a bench at the Heard Museum.
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Ryan Reisfield. Ryan mapped out the Murphy Cemetery Tombstones.
Northern Tier, July 2-8 2024, Signup is open
We have 2 crews reserved for this summer with a total of 10 scouts and 6 adults going to the back country in Canada for an adventure of a lifetime. Sign ups are open now to get on this year’s crews! You do not want to miss this event. Email Mr. Killebrew ( briantkillebrew@gmail.com ) with your interest in going before all the slots are filled.
Quetico Provincial Park – Crews from Ely
Quetico Provincial Park is the superlative canoe-expedition wilderness. Almost all human traces have been removed, crews are allowed to camp anywhere they choose. The park’s 1.2 million acres include over 600 lakes with well over 2,000 remote campsites. Quetico is considered the finest canoe park in the world.2023 November Campout – USS Lexington Campout
When: Nov. 10th – 12th, 2023
Where: Lost Pines Scout Reservation, Bastrop, TXSIGN UP NOW REGISTRATION CLOSES: Oct. 29th 11:30pm
The national Council announced an update to the Youth Protection guidelines for “Adult Supervision” that will go into effect September 1, 2023. In short, the “72-hour rule” is going away and any adult that is staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be registered in a qualified unit position such as Committee Member (just a Merit Badge Counselor will not count).
The basic plan is that we will be camping at Lost Pines Scout Reservation which is close to Austin. We will spend the night there in the Turner Campsite and head to the USS Lexington in the morning.
The drive to the boat will be 3hrs 30 min. We will be staying the night aboard USS Lexington, a record-setting World War II aircraft carrier-turned museum located on Corpus Christi Bay. We’ll hear stories from the ship’s past—covering topics like kamikaze and torpedo attacks, the manpower it takes to navigate an aircraft carrier, and being named the “Blue Ghost” by Tokyo Rose herself. There are over 11 different levels within the ship, giving your curious minds a hands-on experience that reflects on the sacrifices made by a heroic generation.
The overnight itinerary includes all five tour routes of the ship, stories of historical events from her past, a scavenger hunt, a film in the 3D MEGA Theater, LEX ghost stories, two trips through the chow line, bunking in original crew quarters, an unforgettable patriotic flag ceremony, and so much more!
We will camp at Village Creek State Park in the group camping area on Friday night. We will get up early and pack up quickly on Saturday morning and meet the outfitter for departure. We will park the cars at an appropriate place and get started as
2023 October Campout – Caving and Bouldering at Inner Space Caverns and Enchanted Rock
When: Oct. 6th – 9th, 2023
Where: Camp Billy Gibbons, Richland Springs, TXSIGN UP NOW REGISTRATION CLOSES: Sept 30th, 11:30pm
The national Council announced an update to the Youth Protection guidelines for “Adult Supervision” that will go into effect September 1, 2023. In short, the “72-hour rule” is going away and any adult that is staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be registered in a qualified unit position such as Committee Member (just a Merit Badge Counselor will not count).
The basic plan is that we will camp at Village Creek State Park in the group camping area on Friday night. We will get up early and pack up quickly on Saturday morning and meet the outfitter for departure. We will park the cars at an appropriate place and get started as
This is our annual Fall 3-day camping trip and it’s going to be awesome! We will be camping at Camp Billy Gibbons which is close to both Enchanted Rock and Inner Space Caverns. We will spend the day on Saturday in the caves at Inner Space Caverns doing a walk through and a Wild Cave Tour. We have not done this one so it will be a new experience for everyone. They provide the helmets, knee pads and elbow pads. If you would like to bring your own you can certainly do that as well. Please note we will be getting dirty and muddy so bring a change of clothes to change into for the ride back to camp. They do not have showers but a great hose to rinse of with. We have reserved the showers at the campsite so that will be available.
On Sunday we will be heading to Enchanted Rock to do some bouldering, caving, geocaching and hiking. This park is amazing with its massive pink granite dome and finding the only colony of fairy shrimp in the world! Hiking around the dome there is a ton of bouldering and exploring to do as well as an 8 mile round the dome hike.
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout!
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Collin McSimov. Collin constructed a 120′ gravel path around the Collin Creek Presbyterian Church Nature Area.
2023 September Campout – Canoeing the Big Thicket National Preserve
When: Sept 15th -17th, 2023
Where: Village Creek State Park, , Lumberton, TXSIGN UP NOW REGISTRATION CLOSES: Sept 3, 11:30pm
The national Council announced an update to the Youth Protection guidelines for “Adult Supervision” that will go into effect September 1, 2023. In short, the “72-hour rule” is going away and any adult that is staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be registered in a qualified unit position such as Committee Member (just a Merit Badge Counselor will not count).
This will be a great canoe trip. We will be paddling on Village Creek and camping on a sandbar. The Scouts will paddle about 10 miles in total between Saturday and Sunday. This will fulfill requirement 9b4 for Camping Merit Badge.
The basic plan is that we will camp at Village Creek State Park in the group camping area on Friday night. We will get up early and pack up quickly on Saturday morning and meet the outfitter for departure. We will park the cars at an appropriate place and get started as soon as we have all the cars staged. We will paddle to a sand bar where we will camp. On Sunday morning, we will get up early, pack up, and canoe to the takeout point. After gathering our gear and stowing canoes, we will head back to Plano.
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Shawn M. Shawn constructed a Little Library for Seis Lagos.
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, David D. David built a Little Library for the St. Paul Lutheran Church.
Congratulations to another Eagle Scout
Congratulations to our latest Eagle Scout, Danny F. Danny constructed a boardwalk for LLELA.
2023 Annual Swim Test
When: Tuesday May 9th, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: Scuba Adventures Plano
2301 N Central Expy # 140, Plano, TX 75075, USAOnce again, we will be holding our annual swim tests at Plano Scuba. Make sure you show up to get your swim test as these are required for many of our water activities and Summer Camp.
2023 May Campout – Guadalupe Tubing
When: May 19th -21st, 2023
Where: Camp Tahuaya, Belton, TXOne of the best places to go tubing anywhere in the United States is the Guadalupe River in Canyon Lake, Texas. A section of this river that is heavily tubed is called the Horseshoe. The beauty of this section of river is that when you get done, you can just walk a few blocks and start over again.